Click on the below winners to view larger images.
The Rex Blackwell AwardOverall Winner
Category 1 Joint WinnersSingle Residential and Duplex BuildingRoof Value <$50K
Category 2 WinnerSingle Residential and Duplex BuildingRoof Value $50 - $100K
Category 3 WinnerSingle Residential and Duplex BuildingRoof Value >$100K
Category 4 WinnerMultiple Residential Building - Roofing and/or Cladding
Category 5 WinnerPublic Building - Roofing and/or CladdingRoof Value <$500K
Category 6 WinnerPublic Building - Roofing and/or CladdingRoof Value >$500K
Category 7 WinnerCommercial - Roofing and/or CladdingRoof Value <$1M
Category 8 WinnerCommercial - Roofing and/or CladdingRoof Value >$1M
Category 9 WinnerIndustrial - Roofing and/or CladdingRoof Value <$1M
Category 10 WinnerIndustrial - Roofing and/or CladdingRoof Value >$1M
Category 11 WinnerSpecialist Works ProjectRoof Value <$500,000
Category 12 WinnerSpecialist Works ProjectRoof Value >$500,000
Category 13 WinnerCurved Roof Installation
Category 14 WinnerWall Cladding
Category 15 Merit WinnerSafety Award
Category 15 WinnerSafety Award
Category 16 WinnerApprentice of the Year
Winners of all Categories
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